Standalone Hot Melt Bridge with Vision

Vision system detects product to apply hot melt with continuous motion.

Feet Per Minute
Up to 4 Cameras
Split Manifold

Product Overview

The Efficient Way to Build Small and Unique Builds

Build cushions and small mattresses more efficiently with the hot melt bridge with vision. Split manifold allows for edge to edge flexibility on glue placement. Multiple camera options eliminates the need for recipe changes, automatically detects height, width and length. Reduce waste from over-spraying glue with comb tips.

Product Specifications



  • Zoned heating and manifold circulation in C³ designed melting system prevents charring and filters out bad adhesive
  • Split Manifold gives you edge to edge flexibility
  • 90 inch wide silicone belt for various builds and easy clean up


  • Adhere 6-8 parts per minute
  • Move and spray layers at 100 feet per minute
  • Glue is applied with constant pressure and temperature
Machine Specification

Machine Specification

  • Simple module bridge can be added to basic conveyors or integrated into an existing system
  • Vision system detects height and width, no need for recipe change
  • Comb Tips apply hot melt with a wider and finer application to avoid over spraying
Product Builds

Product Builds

  • Furniture cushions
  • Specialty mattress
  • Unique builds