C³ Support

Spare Parts

C³ uses both purchased and manufactured parts in our machines. All parts can be replaced through C³ and come with warranties.

Manufactured parts have a 1-year warranty and purchased parts maintain their manufacturer’s warranty. When you need parts quickly, C³ has the ability to expedite emergency orders.

C³ recommends a spare parts list to have on-hand when you install a new machine. These parts are critical to the machine and should be stored onsite in case you need an emergency replacement. Your C³ Support team will help you identify and stock these and all other parts needed for your machinery.

Parts Sourced By C³

Manufactured Parts

Parts manufactured by C³ are under a 1-year warranty and replaceable through C³.

Recommended Spares List

Our support team will supply you with an all-inclusive list of spares our team recommends you budget for and have on hand.

Critical Spares

We provide insight into which spares are critical to have on hand for each machine.


Frequently Asked Questions

How fast can parts be shipped?

We can ship most purchased parts in a few days. At times, it is possible to expedite shipping for same- or next-day delivery. Manufactured parts may have a longer lead time.

How do I identify a part?

Any serial numbers or name on the part is useful for the C³ Support team to help you identify the part. If there is not identifiable marking on the part, taking a photo of the section of the machine and its location is helpful, as well as submitting a photo of the part itself with your request.

Request Spare and Replacement Parts

Please fill out the information below.

  • To expedite the order process, please provide a PO Number for this order.
  • Please include as much detail as possible.
  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
  • DD slash MM slash YYYY
  • Please provide the machine serial number (xxxxxx) that this part relates to in order to best identify the part.
  • If you have a photo of the part to be replaced, please upload it here to help us identify the part. (Files accepted: .jpg, .png, .pdf)
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 10 MB.