Compression & Packaging Machinery

Create Smaller Packages For Foam Products

Packaging Overview

Effective Packaging To Advance Your Brand

C³ provides a range of compression packaging machines to suit all kinds of foam and bedding products. There are multiple packaging options for foam, latex, and some coil products of various types: mattresses, foam blocks, cut layers, toppers, pillows, foam furniture, and more. With a vast array of machine options and add-on capabilities, C³'s line of compression packaging machinery will deliver the package you seek with the security, safety, and efficiency your operation requires.

Joe Van De Hey sharing behind the design of compression machines

Learn what makes C³'s compression machinery stand out.

Universal Compression Machine Features

Smart Press

Smart Press

C³’s tamp press is controlled at all four-corners providing safe, smart compression for your products.

Seal & Lock Compression

Seal & Lock Compression

C³-engineered heat seal bars lock in compression in using polyethylene film for a secure package.

To Fold, Or Not To Fold

To Fold, Or Not To Fold

The fold option allows for smaller package dimensions.

Roll Cage

Roll Cage

Our roll cage rolls products to a held dimension so the product expands to its final size without force.


Choose Your Compression Machine