C³ Bun Squeezers Do It Again

‘Twas another season for the C³ Bun Squeezers. All hopes were high following an intense off-season of training by root beer drinking and brat chewing. The Bun Squeezers reassembled to welcome a second season of victory!

Team Captain, Zak, encouraged the team with this pre-season pep talk,

“Softball opening day. Making the old feel young again. No other day is so pure with possibility. No scores, no losses, no blame or disappointment. No hangover, at least until the game’s over. Time for talking is over, it’s time to decide whether we send it, ‘er no.”

With sights set high, the Bun Squeezers had an exciting season. Home runs quadrupled. New players made spectacular premiers. They even clinched a playoff victory!

Now they relish in the glory. New bonds formed, new heights reached, new stories to tell. Another season in the books. Proud in our victories, we share our team stats from 2018:

Here’s to a relaxing off season, congratulations Bun Squeezers! See you next year!

Want to be considered for the 2019 season? Apply here.