Third times a charm! That’s what we hoped for, anyway.
After an exciting first season in 2017 and a promising finish in 2018, the C³ Bun Squeezers had high expectations for their 2019 season. After some close games and a rain out early in the season, the Bun Squeezers secured their first win in Game 5! And, unfortunately, also their last.
But it’s not about if you win or lose, it’s how you play the game. That old adage paid off this year, when the Bun Squeezers were presented with a coveted participation team spirit award.

While the win/loss record may not reflect it, there were many close games and players put up some impressive home run stats. Here, we’ve summarized our 2019 high (and low) -lights.

Would you like to make history and help the Bun Squeezers turn it around next summer? Well, don’t wait for spring training to decide. We’re recruiting for positions with our infield, outfield, subs, and even our fan base now! Check out our openings in shipping/receiving and mechanical assembly.
We’ll get ’em next year is right!
We also got some fantastic photos this season, thanks to our only biggest Bun Squeezer fan, who flew 11+ hours just to see them play! Well, not quite. But we appreciate the support (and photos) all the same! Check out the gallery of photos below.